Nonstop Knight Wikia

Strategies for getting to the deepest levels

Reduced Damage Avoidance (active play)


  • Emperor Cloak (double damage when full hp)


  • Decoy Clone
  • Clone Leap
  • Stun Slam


Alternate between the leap clone and decoy clone so there is always a decoy on the field. Your decoys will get attacked instead of you - so your HP will remain full and with the Emperor Cloak, you will always to double damage.

Multi-Kill Central


  • The Grande (massive splash damage)
    • Preferred modifiers: increased damage, increased speed after kill
  • The Nightmare (deal passive damage to all nearby enemies)
    • Preferred modifiers: increased armor and damage after getting hit
  • The Baron (Gain teleporting ability)
    • Preferred modifiers: increased damage


  • Huge Whirl
  • Poison Slash
  • Quick Void


You don't really need to use many of your skills. If your modifiers on your gear are right, you should be teleporting between large groups of creatures. The teleportation ensures that added attack speed and damage stay with you into the next group. The Grande deals 100% of the damage you directly hit to all nearby enemies. One kill will almost always be a multi-kill
